The beats at Brossac Braderie!

Music arrives in many forms and here at Brossac Braderie we aim to supply you with a mixture of music in a mixture of different forms and platforms. Records, 45 Singles, 78 LP Long Player, Gramaphone records, Compact Disc’s – CD’s, and Cassettes.

The Sound of Music

sound of music

Within the Music catagory at Brossac Braderie you will also find links to some of our partner programs thus increasing the variety that we offer at Music Brossac Braderie

Vinyl Records

A vinyl record is a disc made from heated polyvinyl chloride that has been pressed thin with grooves that produce sound. A vinyl record is sometimes called a record, vinyl, LP, or 12-inch but all the names are used to describe vinyl records.

Musical Record Players

Record players are available upon the braderies and one particular model is the Linn Sondek LP12 which is one of the best makes for record players you can see more information about the player on our website at Linn Sondek Record Player

Linn Sondek Lp 12

RPM is short for “Revolutions Per Minute”. This is how many times the platter will spin completely in one full minute. All vinyl records are designed to play at one of three speeds:

33 1/3 RPM
45 RPM
78 RPM

It was in 1857, that a Parisian printer/typesetter named Edouard-Leon Scott de Martinville registered and patented the phonautograph, a barrel-shaped, hand-cranked device used to transcribe sound in wave lines on blackened paper.

To Make a Musical Performance Great

Unlike Thomas Edison, who was dubbed the father of recorded sound for his feat with the telephone nearly two decades later, Leon Scott never intended to reproduce sound but simply to study it.

His idea was to build an artificial ear, audio historian Patrick Feaster explains in an NPR interview. That the artificial ear would record not just the words, like stenography or shorthand, but you get all these special details, anything that made a musical performance, song or speech great.