A unique activity to do this Summer!

We’re dead in the middle of summer. Sun is scorching, so it is not easy getting out with this heat. Mainly, people go swimming in the evening to cool off but we know that it can get very repetitive. We at Brossac Braderie will give you a unique idea to enjoy this summer with your friends.

Drum roll please….

It’s a picnic….just a picnic. The traditional picnic, dating back to around the 18th century, is a way to interact with your loved ones in the cooler evenings of this summer. Its healthy, a great way to socialize and have fun whilst expierencing the outdoors.

Picnic in Paris
Picnic in Paris

What do you need?

  • Food and Drinks – The point of the picnic. It is a meal eaten outside with other people. If you want to reduce the burden of buying a lot of food and drink, get the invited people to bring something to eat or drink. This allows for creativity in the dishes and an equal contribution for all.
  • A cool spot – The place is a make or break of the picnic. Ideally, you need a spot with shade (especially in summer), next to a body of water you can swim in and in the outdoors. If you have some activities, you need a bit of space as well.
  • A blanket to sit on – The blanket protects your clothes, your food and it gives a more comfy place to sit.
  • Pillows – If you want to sleep or simply lie down, a pillow makes all the difference.
  • Plates, utensils and cups – You need to set your food and drinks somewhere. We have cups and plates here in the braderie for sale as well.
  • Ice – You need something to cool you off, otherwise it can get irritating very quickly.
  • Sun protection – With the increase of the power of the sun, protecting your skin is at an all time high.
Fishing and picnic
Full set of picnic items

Pro Tips

If you really want to maximize your enjoyment for a picnic, have a look at these tips:

  • Get some music – To intensify relaxation and serenity vibes, grab a speaker and put on a playlist of your favourite songs.
  • Get some activities – Take some things like a ball, a frisbee, even some fishing gear would make it interesting. Make it fun and enjoyable!
  • Coordinate with your friends – Two heads are better than one. Four hands are better than two. Therefore, talking to friends can allow more creative dishes and ideas to flourish.
  • Bring umbrellas, just in case – Just in case the sun is being extra annoying, an umbrella can make a huge difference.
  • Pack some desserts – It’s always a good idea to have desserts. So why not add it to your picnic as well?
Fishing and Picnic
Fishing and picnic, the ultimate combination

Picnics are a fun way to spice up your outings during whats left of this summer. Be sure to ring up your friends and tell them all about it.