Your French online shopping experience with Brossac Braderie in France!
We have antiques, coins, collectables, books and many more interesting items.
When you click links to various merchants and partners on this site and make a purchase, this can result in Brossac Braderie earning a commission. Affiliate programs and affiliations include, but are not limited to, the eBay Partner Network, Amazon and AliExpress. We hope you enjoy this unique French online shopping experience.
Brossac Braderie France offering a French Online shopping experience with a French touch
Opened online from the 5th July 2022 and held two brocants at La Giraudiere them being the 14 th July and the 21/08/2022. Apart from our own brocants we also took part in Brocants held at Orielles and Berneuil both in the south Charente.

Brossac Braderie an online shopping experience of vintage goods from time gone by.
Ancient to Antiques, Coins to Curiosity, Books to the Bizarre and the un-usual to the un-believable.
Brossac Braderie is owned and operated by the association Les Amis De La Giraudiere
Click/clique pay and collect or Clique pay and delivered