Here you will find contact information such as telephone numbers, email addresses and maps showing our location in France.

To Telephone Brossac Braderie our telephone number is 05 45 98 69 93 if telephoning from aborad / overseas then add the code +33 or 0033 5 45 98 69 93 if no answer leave a message and your telephone number and we will get back to you.

To Email Brossac Braderie you can either contact us at; or if your email is concerning an order which you have placed then please email us at

To post something to Brossac Braderie our postal address is as follows;
Brossac Braderie
Lieu Dit La Giraudiere
10 Route De La Giraudiere
16480 Brossac
The Location of Brossac Braderie in France Brossac Braderie is 1 km from the center of Brossac village which is in the department of South Charente in the region of Nouvelle Aquitaine.
Driving Directions from Brossac village to Brossac Braderie From entering Brossac either from the south from Chalais or from the North Barezieux enter the center or the borg of Brossac and from there take the road to Saint Vallier where you will pass by the l’ecole de Brossac after which take the second turning on your right and then continue for about 400 mtrs and Brossac Bradeie is on your right.