Brossac Braderie’s Epic Mug collection

single and sexy mug collection

Let’s be honest, a mug collection is always something cool to have. Something about owning a bunch of mugs with different designs just is so exhilarating. Its like owning your own mini art collection, that is way more affordable. We have also curated our own collection, all ready for sale!

prince charles mug

Coffee mugs

We have a spectrum of coffee mugs available. If you want a good present for your bachelor friend, we have the single and sexy mug. Guranteed to get a good laugh! The funny face mug is also a vintage one, adding a bit of humor to the day!

single and sexy mug collection
Single and Sexy mug

We also have some more aesthetics mugs, such as the german house mug. They have some scenery and art to them, making for unique decorations to the house.

mug german house
German House mug

From the other side of Europe, we have a few british mugs as well. There are of multiple events, such as the marriage of Princess Diana and the Prince of Wales or the mug detailing the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.


Beer Mugs

Beer mugs make up the majority of our mug collection, with the majority coming from Germany. We have some mugs from Oktoberfest, some regions like Mannheim. There are also beer mugs from Cyprus and we even have some odd ones, like the boot shaped beer mug.


You can see all of our collection on display at our Yearly Brocantes. Tell us which collection you want to see in the comments below!