Your French online shopping experience with Brossac Braderie in France!
We have antiques, coins, collectables, books and many more interesting items.
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Here you will find articles, review and posts relating to products and categories that are new to Brossac Braderie or have been recently updated. At the same time we aim to provide you with some recommendations whilst also providing you with advice and some know how. Our light hearted approach gives you some food for thought prior to making that online purchase. Here is a list of recent posts please enjoy,

- MUSIC category is a grand part of Brossac Braderie with over 500 different products from recordings to musical instruments take some time to read about the Music on Brossac Braderie
- GOLFING AND GOLF Was invented in Scotland and is now played throught the globe the Golf category on Brossac Braderie will give you links to many golfing products and some superb golfing offers.
- POKER Is becoming a very popular card game full of strategies and personalities. Brossac Braderie as listed its poker products within its Toys & Games category but Poker is a serious issue read how poker can be good for your health
- Recommended reading is the MAGNA CARTA or in English the Great Charter. This was the chart which introduced laws for King and man in England and was to become the foundation of a civilised society for the world. check out our collectable and our unusal category
- Rum is alcoholic drink from the Caribbean but did you know it has some thing else which is good for your health as noted by the sailors of old read about the story of Rum and the pursers flask.

- TRAINING you can do whilst sitting at your desk with the Arm and Leg Strength Training – Fitness Pedal Trainer you can spend the day typing away on your computer or maybe browsing the products on the Brossac Braderie whilst your feet and legs pedel around the internet with you. You can find the trainer in our Sports Equipment category
- WATCHES are they a thing of the past? as the mobile telephone seem to take over from all that we knew! do you remember the days we would say have you got your camera? don’t forget your watch and now all you need is telephone well at Brossac Braderie we have a selection of watches which still hold that touch of class.
- Add some art to your home read how you can improve your living environment by adding some art to your interior ideas. Furniture, cars and so many other items are now being designed by computers that everything is starting to look the same so time to be a little outrages and add some of you to your home and this article helps to show you how to add art to your home
Know How

- Historic Antiques is a category in the Brossac Braderie which lists some very unusal, if not unbelievable, products from a African war stick used by the zulu nation in our african collectables to a booklet annoucing the opening of Printemps in Paris Antiques and Historic products are a major category of any Braderie, let us take a trip back in time with some Historic Antiques.
- BEER MUGS tankards, steins or whatever else you wish to name them. Who would have thought that beer mugs would become a collectable item, well we have beer mugs from over 6 different countries so what a great idea to base your travels you could be drinking your way around the globe just so you can improve your collection but alas no need as we have a fine collection here at Brossac Braderie
- Did you know that hand made dolls have been found that are almost 200 years BC Archaeological evidence places dolls as the foremost candidate for the oldest known hand made toy. Hand made wooden paddle dolls have been found in Egyptian tombs dating to as early as the 21st century BC. Hand made Dolls with movable limbs and removable clothing date back to at least 200 BC. You will be glad to know that our hand made dolls are not as old as 200 bc but they are a very collectable item read our story about the dolls we have at Brossac Braderie and you can find them in our toys and games category
- Braderie read about the history and the meaning of the word Braderie. Brossac Braderie may be the first online Braderie but check out the history and read about Braderie
- Ever wondered how to lay a table for that special dinner well take some time to read our article how-to-lay-a-dinner-table-setting and see where you been going wrong and read how leaving your cutlery in a certain formation can pass on a message to the waiter who served you.
- Gucci a world famous maker of watches and jewellery Check out how Mr Gucci started as a bell hop in a London hotel and now every famous international hotel welcomes him and his products a truly impressive story of an Italian entrepreneur.